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Marketing of High-Technology Products and Innovations 3-e
有關Marketing of High-Technology Products and Innovations 3-e的詳細介紹如下:
Marketing of High-Technology Products and Innovations is the only text on the market that focuses on the unique marketing challenges that surround high-tech products and service.
The third edition retains all the same concepts and materials of previous editions and includes comprehensive coverage of the latest academic research and leading-edge business practices.
NEW! End-of-book Cases: The cases that have encouraged hands-on experience and in-depth analysis in previous editions have been replaced by current cases that better relate to today’s student. Facilitate critical thinking skills in your
UPDATED! In-depth Opening Vignettes: Each chapter begins with an opening vignette that highlights a particular company and how it has grappled with the issues in the coming chapter. In this edition the opening vignettes have not only been updated with current material but also delve deeper into the issues at hand providing students with greater insight.
作者: Mohr
Marketing of High-Technology Products and Innovations 3-e